
クラス C_Kyuzitu
Option Explicit '----------------------------------- Private Enum YobiType Shuku = 10 Kokumin = 11 Hurikae = 12 Kanrei = 13 End Enum Private memShukuzitu As Dictionary Private memKokumin As Dictionary Private memHurikae As Dictionary Private memKanrei As Dictionary Private memYear As Long Private memMonth As Long Private memDay As Long Private memFormat As String '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Let NowYear(Val As Long) Call KyuzituSet(Val) End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Get NowYear() As Long NowYear = memYear End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Let SetStrDate(Val As String) If IsDate(Val) Then Call KyuzituSet(CLng(DatePart("yyyy", Val))) memMonth = CLng(DatePart("m", Val)) memDay = CLng(DatePart("d", Val)) Else Call KyuzituSet(1900) memMonth = 1 memDay = 1 End If End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Let SetNumDate(Val As Long) Call KyuzituSet(Year(Val)) memMonth = Month(Val) memDay = Day(Val) End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Let FormatFormat(Val As String) memFormat = Val End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Get GetStrDate() As String GetStrDate = Format(DateSerial(memYear, memMonth, memDay), memFormat) End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Get WeekNum() As Long WeekNum = Yobi End Property '----------------------------------- ' Public Property Get DateNum() As Long DateNum = DateSerial(memYear, memMonth, memDay) End Property '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub Class_Initialize() Call KyuzituSet(Year(Date)) memMonth = Month(Date) memDay = Day(Date) End Sub '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set memShukuzitu = Nothing Set memKokumin = Nothing Set memHurikae = Nothing Set memKanrei = Nothing End Sub '----------------------------------- ' Private Function Yobi() As Long If memShukuzitu.Exists(DateNum) Then Yobi = YobiType.Shuku Exit Function End If If memKokumin.Exists(DateNum) Then Yobi = YobiType.Kokumin Exit Function End If If memHurikae.Exists(DateNum) Then Yobi = YobiType.Kanrei Exit Function End If If memKanrei.Exists(DateNum) Then Yobi = YobiType.Kanrei Exit Function End If Yobi = Weekday(DateNum, vbSunday) End Function '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub KyuzituSet(NewYear As Long) If memYear <> NewYear Then memYear = NewYear Call makeShukuzitu Call makeKokumin Call makeHurikae Call makeKanrei End If End Sub '----------------------------------- 'ロング値で与えられた日付の休日判定を行ないます。 Private Sub makeShukuzitu() Dim iDay As Long Set memShukuzitu = Nothing Set memShukuzitu = New Dictionary '----------元日 If DateSerial(memYear, 1, 1) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 1), "元旦" End If '----------成人の日 1月15日 → 1月の第2月曜 If memYear > 1949 And memYear < 2000 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 15), "成人の日" ElseIf memYear > 1999 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 14) - (Weekday(DateSerial(memYear, 1, 14), vbTuesday) Mod 7), "成人の日" End If '----------建国記念の日 If DateSerial(memYear, 2, 11) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 2, 11), "建国記念の日" End If '----------天皇誕生日 If memYear > 2019 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 2, 23), "天皇誕生日" End If '----------春分の日 'int(19.8277+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1983)/4)) ----------1851-1899年通用 'int(20.8357+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1983)/4)) ----------1900-1979年通用 'int(20.8431+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1980)/4)) ----------1980-2099年通用 'int(21.8510+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1980)/4)) ----------2100-2150年通用 Select Case memYear Case Is < 2100 iDay = Int(20.8431 + 0.242194 * (memYear - 1980) - Int((memYear - 1980) / 4)) Case Is >= 2100 iDay = Int(20.851 + 0.242194 * (memYear - 1980) - Int((memYear - 1980) / 4)) End Select If DateSerial(memYear, 3, iDay) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 3, iDay), "春分の日" End If '----------天皇誕生日→みどりの日→昭和の日 If DateSerial(memYear, 4, 29) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 4, 29), "昭和の日" End If '----------即位の礼 If memYear = 2019 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 5, 1), "即位の礼" End If '----------憲法記念日 If DateSerial(memYear, 5, 3) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 5, 3), "憲法記念日" End If '----------みどりの日 If memYear > 2006 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 5, 4), "みどりの日" End If '----------こどもの日 If DateSerial(memYear, 5, 5) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 5, 5), "こどもの日" End If '----------海の日 7月20日 → 7月の第3月曜日 If memYear > 1995 And memYear < 2003 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 20), "海の日" ElseIf memYear > 2002 Then If memYear = 2020 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 23), "海の日" ElseIf memYear = 2021 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 22), "海の日" Else memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 21) - (Weekday(DateSerial(memYear, 7, 21), vbTuesday) Mod 7), "海の日" End If End If '----------山の日" If memYear > 2015 Then If memYear = 2020 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 8, 10), "山の日" ElseIf memYear = 2021 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 8, 8), "山の日" Else memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 8, 11), "山の日" End If End If '----------敬老の日 9月15日 → 9月の第3月曜日 If memYear > 1965 And memYear < 2003 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 9, 15), "敬老の日" ElseIf memYear > 2002 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 9, 21) - (Weekday(DateSerial(memYear, 9, 21), vbTuesday) Mod 7), "敬老の日" End If '----------秋分の日 'int(22.2588+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1983)/4)) ----------1851-1899年通用 'int(23.2588+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1983)/4)) ----------1900-1979年通用 'int(23.2488+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1980)/4)) ----------1980-2099年通用 'int(24.2488+0.242194*(年-1980)-int((年-1980)/4)) ----------2100-2150年通用 Select Case memYear Case Is < 2100 iDay = Int(23.2488 + 0.242194 * (memYear - 1980) - Int((memYear - 1980) / 4)) Case Is >= 2100 iDay = Int(24.2488 + 0.242194 * (memYear - 1980) - Int((memYear - 1980) / 4)) End Select If DateSerial(memYear, 9, iDay) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 9, iDay), "秋分の日" End If '----------体育の日 → スポーツの日 10月10日 → 10月の第二月曜日 If memYear > 1965 And memYear < 2000 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 10, 10), "体育の日" ElseIf memYear > 1999 Then If memYear = 2020 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 24), "スポーツの日" ElseIf memYear = 2021 Then 'オリンピックイヤー memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 7, 23), "スポーツの日" Else memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 10, 14) - (Weekday(DateSerial(memYear, 10, 14), vbTuesday) Mod 7), "スポーツの日" End If End If '----------即位礼正殿の儀 If memYear = 2019 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 10, 22), "即位礼正殿の儀" End If '----------文化の日 If DateSerial(memYear, 11, 3) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 11, 3), "文化の日" End If '----------勤労感謝の日 If DateSerial(memYear, 11, 23) > DateSerial(1948, 7, 19) Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 11, 23), "勤労感謝の日" End If '----------天皇誕生日 If memYear > 1988 And memYear < 2019 Then memShukuzitu.Add DateSerial(memYear, 12, 23), "天皇誕生日" End If End Sub '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub makeKokumin() Dim D() As Long Dim Keys As Variant Dim iCount As Long Dim I As Long Dim J As Long Dim Target As Long Set memKokumin = Nothing Set memKokumin = New Dictionary If memShukuzitu.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub End If If memYear < 1988 Then Exit Sub End If '-------------------------------国民の休日の判定 ReDim D(memShukuzitu.Count - 1) For Each Keys In memShukuzitu D(iCount) = Keys iCount = iCount + 1 Next For I = 0 To UBound(D) For J = 0 To UBound(D) '-----------------------該当の組み合わせがある場合 If D(J) - D(I) = 2 Then Target = (D(J) + D(I)) / 2 If Not memShukuzitu.Exists(Target) Then memKokumin.Add Target, "休日" End If End If Next J Next I End Sub '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub makeHurikae() Dim iDay As Long Dim fDay As Long Dim boHurikae As Boolean Set memHurikae = Nothing Set memHurikae = New Dictionary If memShukuzitu.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub End If If memYear < 1973 Then Exit Sub End If For iDay = DateSerial(memYear, 1, 1) To DateSerial(memYear, 12, 31) '---------------------------日曜日であること If Weekday(iDay) = 1 Then '-------------------祝日であること If memShukuzitu.Exists(iDay) Then boHurikae = True fDay = iDay End If End If '---------------------------フラッグを立てた後、最初の祝日でない日を振替日とする If boHurikae = True Then If iDay > fDay Then '-------------------祝休日に該当しない場合、振替日にする If Not memShukuzitu.Exists(iDay) Then memHurikae.Add iDay, "振替" boHurikae = False End If End If End If Next iDay End Sub '----------------------------------- ' Private Sub makeKanrei() Set memKanrei = Nothing Set memKanrei = New Dictionary '-----------------------------------慣例になっている休日 With memKanrei .Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 1), "慣例" .Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 2), "慣例" .Add DateSerial(memYear, 1, 3), "慣例" .Add DateSerial(memYear, 12, 31), "慣例" End With End Sub